Philosophy Research Laboratory on Sciences, Technology, and Culture (EFEETP)

Events organised by the EFEETP
Head: Golfo Maggini
Department: Philosophy
Unit: History of Philosophy
Website: Website
Phone: 265100-5698
Legal act of establishment: Yes, O.G.G. change of name (3933/15-9-2020, vol. Β´) & O.G.G. foundation (H.R. 107/2003, Α’ 98)
Description and history of the Laboratory
The Philosophy Research Laboratory on Sciences, Technology, and Culture (PRLSTC) constitutes a further, renamed development (2020) of the original Laboratory for Plotinian Studies, founded by the currently Professor emerita of the Department, Prof. Georgia Apostolopoulou in 2003 (presidential decree 107/2003, O.G.G. 98/29.4.2003). The rebranding of the PRLSTC emerged from the new conditions after the division of the original Department of Philosophy, Education and Psychology in the Departments of Philosophy and of Psychology and from the contemporary needs in the fields of academic cooperation and research. The renaming of the PRLSTC took place after the proposal of its current director, Ms. Golfo Maggini, the agreement of the currently Professor emerita, Ms. Georgia Apostolopoulou, founder of the Laboratory and the unanimous decision of the faculty assembly of the Department of Philosophy of the University of Ioannina. The renaming was approved by the senate of the University of Ioannina at its 1088/16-06-2020 assembly (see O.G.G. B’ 3933/15.09.2020)The research interests of the PRLSTC evolve around the developments in science and technology, seen both, from a historical and systematic perspective within the context of the disciplines of philosophy of science, technology and other intertwined fields such as metaphysics, epistemology and practical philosophy. These subjects are represented by numerous undergraduate and graduate courses and lectures, offered by the Department while they constitute one of the two discrete directions of study of the transinstitutional, interdepartmental graduate program «Greek Philosophy – Philosophy of Science» that continues to be hosted by the newly founded Department of Philosophy.
Name, Surname | Position | Phone | |
Golfo Maggini | Professor of Modern European and Contemporary Continental Philosophy | | +30265100-5673 |
Georgia Apostolopoulou | Professor emerita of History of Philosophy and of Practical Philosophy, Founder and Head of the Laboratory (2003-2013) | ||
Athanassios Sakellariadis | Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Language | | +3026510-05665 |
Antonios Kalatzis | Assistant Professor of Modern European Philosophy | | +3026510-05650 |
Christos Grigoriou | Επίκουρος καθηγητής Φιλοσοφίας της Τέχνης και Αισθητικής | chgrigoriou@uoi. | +3026510-05862 |
Orestis S. Palermos | Επίκουρος Καθηγητής Σύγχρονης Φιλοσοφίας | | +3026510-05685 |
Prof. Dr. Alexander Tsigkas | Μεταδιδάκτωρ | ||
Nikolaos Sarafianos | PhD | | |
Paraskevas Bziotas | PhD | | |
Christos Nedelkopoulos | PhD | | |
Michalis Vrazitoulis | PhD candidate | | |
Theodora Voti | PhD candidate | | |
Georgia Tsouderou | PhD candidate | | |
Paraskevi Zapsa | PhD candidate | | |
Evdokia Koutsopetra | PhD candidate | | |
Ioannis Perperides | PhD candidate | | |
Konstantinos Serras | PhD candidate | | |
Nikos Nikoletos | PhD candidate | ||
Iakovos Georgoudis-Pitarokilis | PhD candidate | ||
Evangelos Grammatikopoulos | PhD candidate | | |
Irene Folina | M.A. IDGP “Greek Philosophy – Philosophy of Science” | | |
Maria Pappa | Secretary | | +3026510-05657 |
Mission and recent research activity
- The endorsement and the support of the teaching, research and general academic priorities and goals of the Department and of its teaching faculty, under- and graduate students, its doctoral and post doctoral candidates, of the broader academic community of the University of Ioannina and of all University Departments, Institutions, Research Centers and Authorities that share the same research interests and approach with the PRLSTC.
- The interdisciplinary collaboration with similar Laboratories, Research Centers- and Authorities, Academic Organizations and Departments that pursue similar and/or intertwined goals with those of the PRLSTC.
- The organization of academic events such as lectures, conferences, seminars, symposia, programs of life long learning, educational summer schools, interdisciplinary meetings, invitations of world leading scientists from Greece and abroad and the endorsement of individual or joint publications that relate to the research interests of the PRLSTC.
- The planning, realization and dissemination of a series of ground breaking and original research and educational actions in the context of the collaboration between the disciplines of philosophy, exact sciences and contemporary technological practices. Given this priority, the PRLSTC especially endorses the following actions:
- The conducting and completing of research projects by graduate students, doctoral and post doctoral candidates and by senior researchers that have similar academic interests with the strategic interests of the PRLSTC.
- The publication of the aforementioned research results and/or the translation of ground breaking international literature that relates to the interests and goals of the PRLSTC.
- The active pursuit of third party funding from private donors, societies, associations in Greece and abroad, the goals and ideals of which overlap with the scientific, research and educational ideals of the PRLSTC, in order to realize a series of projects, actions and events that will earn international recognition and visibility.
- The connection between academic research lay society, also in cooperation with the local private and public authorities.
Recent and upcoming academic events
- The PRLSTC organized a web-talk and a round table with Prof. Nikolaos Psarros (Leipzig), entitled «Nature in Spinoza and Hegel» (May 2020)
- The PRLSTC organized a web-talk and a round table with ass. Prof. Gerasimos Kakolyris (Athens), entitled « The deconstructionist reading of Jacques Derrida» (May 2020)
- The PRLSTC organized a research workshop on Digital Studies and on the Philosophy of Digitalization in cooperation with the Graduate Program «History and Philosophy of Science and Technology» and the Laboratory «Digital Humanities» at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (November 2020)
- The PRLSTC organized in cooperation with the Museum Benaki a conference on the Greek Revolution and its aftermath, entitled Revolution, Nation-State and ancient Greek Ideal: philosophical approaches to the Greek Revolution (December 2021)
- The PRLSTC will organize in cooperation with the cultural foundation and publishing house Artos Zois and its director, Mr. Stavros Zoumboulakis, a three-day conference for the study of the Greek translation of Alasdair MacIntyre’s After Virtue. A study in ethical theory (Athens: Artos Zois 2021) (Summer 2022)
- The PRLSTC will organize the workshop World, Techne and Man in the thought of G.W.F. Hegel, Martin Heidegger and Gerhar Krüger. In the list of speakers are included Golfo Maggini (Ioannina), Antonios Kalatzis (Ioannina) and Alexandros Daskalakis (Athens/Paris) (Spring 2022)
- The PRLSTC will organize an international conference in honour of Georgia Apostolopoulou, Professor emerita of the Department of Philosophy with the title After Pittsburgh. Reassessing the Legacy of Hegel’s Systematic Philosophy. The list of international invitees includes Thomas M. Schmidt (Frankfurt) and Prof. Thomas Hanke (Münster)
Research Collaborations
- Funding application, together with the Department of Sociology at the at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Prof. Manolis Patiniotis) and the International Network on Digital Labor (INDL), for a two day conference on the theoretical implications of digital labour entitled, «Back to the Future of Labor? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Digital Labor» (Athens and Ioannina, Spring 2022)
- Funding application in collaboration with the Research Centre Episteme in Motion and the Department of Philosophy of Freie Universität Berlin (Prof. Anne Eusterschulte), for a series of academic events, exchange stays and publications on the philosophy of technology and civilization of Hans Blumenberg.
The PRLSTC has exclusive access to one research space with two cutting edge technology desktop computers, provided for the research of its scholarly members.
Third party services
In the context of undertaking research programs of a historical and systematic nature, monographs and volumes, eventually, under contract are being composed, regarding issues concerning the philosophical analysis of scientific evolution, technology and their impact on human civilization and nature in Greece and abroad, in order to create an adequate and competitive academic environment for the further development of all graduate-studies programs in the Department.
Third party donations
Additionally the PRLSTC hosts a rare collection of over thousand books on 19th- and 20th century French civilization and philosophy. In 2015 the PRLSTC (formerly named Laboratory for Plotinian Studies), received the generous donation of the Library of the Liaison franco-grecque d’Athènes after the initiative of the Member of the Academy Of Athens, President of the Liaison, and Prof. emeritus for Philosophy at the University of Athens, Mr. Evangelos Moutsopoulos. This library collection came into the posession of the the Laboratory after the donation of the Union Grecque-Française d’Athènes (2016), which contains valuable material, in the form of rare prints, journals and editions concerning all the aspects of modern and contemporary European civilization (science and technology, philosophy and humanities, history and politics, literature and και arts).
Finally within 2022 the PRLSTC will also acquire through another generous donation the library and of the greatly honoured, yet unfortunately deceased Professor emeritus of the Department of Philosophy, Mr. Efthimis Papadimitriou.
Research projects
Funding application for a small scale research project in the format of webinars that aims at the publication of an e-book on the topic of intergenerational ethics and justice within the context of covid-19 (Alumni Association of the Onassis Foundation and Onassis Foundation)
Recent publications
- Antonios Kalatzis, Pleroma. Logic, God and Mann in Hegel’s Philosophy, Athens: Nissos Academic Publishers 2022, 200 pp.
- Antonios Kalatzis, Explikation und Immanenz. Das dreifache Argument der »Wissenschaft der Logik«, in: Hegel-Jahrbuch, Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter (forthcoming), 640 pp.
- Antonios Kalatzis (ed.), ‘Into Life.’ Franz Rosenzweig on Knowledge Aesthetics and Politics (= Supplements to The Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, vol. 31), Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers 2021, 400 pp., together with Enrico Lucca
- Antonios Kalatzis (ed.), ‘From Ionia to Jena’. Franz Rosenzweig and the History of Philosophy, Berlin: Neofelis Publishers (forthcoming), 200 pp., together with Anne Eusterschulte
- Golfo Maggini (ed.), Philosophy of the Digital : An Introduction, Heraklion and Athens: Crete University Press, 2021, 467 pp. [contributions from Pierre Levy, Rafael Capurro, Albert Borgmann, J. Kallinikos, Michael R. Heim, Iain Grant, Andrew Feenberg, Katherine N. Hayles, Luciano Floridi, Stéphane Vial, Plant Sadie, Don Ihde, Hubert L. Dreyfus, Langdon Winner, Byung-Chul Han, Alexandros Kioupkiolis and Manolis Patiniotis] (υπό forthcoming).
- Jan Patočka, Plato and Europe, translation from Czech: Katerina Porfirogeni, editing and introduction: Golgo Maggini, Crete University Press, Heraklion and Athens (forthcoming).
- G. Maggini, Κ. Petsios, Ath. Sakellariadis (eds.), Science, Society, Ecophilosophy: Festschrift in Memoriam Eythimis Papadimitriou: Dodoni Yearbook of the School of Philosophy at the University of Ioannina, vol 39 (2018/2019), Ioannina: Ioannina University Press 2020.
- Athanasios Sakellariadis, «Boundaries of the Soul». In the trails of consciousness, Athens: Gutenberg, 2020.
Master theses
that relate to the field of research interests of the Laboratory, and were prepared in the context of our [inter-departmental] Program of Graduate Studies, Greek Philosophy–Philosophy of Sciences:
- Trianti, Vasso, «Education in time of Nihilism: from Nietzsche to Foucault» (public disputation: 29/6/2018).
- Tatsi, Christiana, «Understanding beauty and art in the aesthetic theory of Alexandros Nehamas» (public disputation: 28/6/2018).
- Folina, Irene, «The Ethics of Responsibility in the work of Hans Jonas and its contemporary reception in the fields of Bioethics, Intergenerational Justice and Ethics of Care» (δημόσια υποστήριξη: 11/2021).