Entry exams

Σημαντικά αρχεία & σύνδεσμοι
Entry exams
According to the current institutional framework and regulations, graduates of other Higher Education Departments who have successfully passed an entry exam can be admitted to the Department of Philosophy. The entry exam concern graduates of Universities, as well as equivalent institutions (ATEI, ASPAITE) in Greece or abroad (recognized by DOATAP), as well as holders of Higher School Degrees of two and more than two years of study under the responsibility of the Ministry of Culture, Education and Religion and other Ministries. Graduates who have successfully passed the entry exam have the right to register, study and obtain the degree awarded by the Department of Philosophy.
Entry semester
The maximum number of courses that graduates from other institutions can carry over is 23 courses and candidates may enrol either in the 1st or 3rd semester of studies.
Percentage of candidates admitted from other institutions
The maximum percentage of graduates admitted from other departments from Higher Education Institutions, TEI or equivalent, ASPAITE, of Greece or abroad (recognized by DOATAP), as well as holders of higher education degrees of more than two and of two years of study, which fall under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and other Ministries, on the basis of entry exams is set at 12% of the corresponding number of entrants through the National Entrance Exams, which is determined by the Ministry of Education, according to no. Φ1/192329/Β3/13- 12-2013 Ministerial Decision (Government Gazette 3185/16-12-2013 vol. B’).
Supporting documents
To participate to the entry exams, the supporting documents that interested candidates are required to submit to the Secretariat of the DILIN include: 1. Application of the interested candidate. 2. Copy of Degree or certificate of completion of studies (certified or a simple photocopy if they can also present the original document). 3.In the case of foreign graduates: Certificate of Equivalence of their Degree, from the Interdisciplinary Organization for the Recognition of Academic Degrees and Information (DOATAP).
The entry exams take place between December 1st and 20th of each year (in accordance with Official Gazette 3185/16-12-2013 t. B’). The application and the supporting documents of the graduates who wish to be enrolled in the programme of studies must be submitted to the Secretariat of the department, in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation (also taking into account article 74, par. 3, of Law 4485/2017, articles 43 and 44 , of Law 4763/2020)