Panos Eliopoulos is a Doctor of Philosophy from the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens and a postdoctoral researcher at the Complutense University of Madrid. He has taught at Greek and foreign universities (New York University, Eastern Connecticut State University, Bogazici University, University of Athens, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Open University of Cyprus, etc.), and has given dozens of lectures in Greece and abroad. He has been awarded for his international research by the National Dragomanov University of Kiev as well as from the Academy of Athens for his research on Ancient Metaphysics. He is author of five philosophical monographs and over ninety articles (with reviewers) in Greek and foreign philosophical journals or collective volumes. He is a member of the Board of the Greek Language Center, as a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In addition, he is a member of international scientific organizations, as well as a reviewer and member of the editorial board of international philosophical journals and university philosophy publications (Routledge, Philosophy Study, Philosophy and Cosmology, Symmetry, MPDI, etc.).
History of Philosophy
O.G.G. of Appointment
993/09.10.2017/issue 3
Philosοphy Department School of Philosophy University Campus PO Box 1186 PC 45500, Ioannina, Greece
Philosοphy Department School of Philosophy University Campus PO Box 1186 PC 45500, Ioannina, Greece
Tel: +30265100-5782
Curriculum vitae
Research interests
- Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy
- Ethics/ Political Philosophy
- Comparative Philosophy
- Philosophy of Education
- Panos Eliopoulos, “Cтоический космополитизм как образ жизни” (“The Stoic Cosmopolitanism as a Way of Life”). In Философские Науки (JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL SCIENCES), № 6, Moscow 2013, pp. 140-146.
- Panos Eliopoulos, “A critique from the stoic point of view on Otfried Höffe’s dilemma between virtue and morality”. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DECISION ETHICS, 2 (Summer 2014), New York, pp. 77-90.
- Panos Eliopoulos, “Epicurus and Lucretius on the creation of the Cosmos”. In PHILOSOPHY AND COSMOLOGY, published by the International Society of Philosophy and Cosmology, Ukraine, vol. 14, 2015, pp. 248-254.
- Panos Eliopoulos, (στα κινεζικά) “Zeno of Citium and Zhuangzi on Virtue and Eudaimonia” 基提翁的芝诺和庄子的德性与幸福. In the JOURNAL OF SHANGQIU NORMAL UNIVERSITY 商丘师范大学学报, Shangqiu- China, vol. 31, no 1, January 2015, pp. 49-52.
- Panos Eliopoulos, “The confrontation between the EU and Greece: a dispute of political languages, moral scopes and sovereignty”. In the collective volume South-east Europe: History, Culture, Politics and Economy, edited by Dimitar Dimitrov, Milko Palangurski, Nadezhda Hristova, Veneta Hristova, Vihren Bouzov. Published by the University of Veliko-Turnovo, Filodiritto Editore, Bologna 2019, pp. 72-79.
- Panos Eliopoulos, “From the Moral Limits of Personal Interest to the Derogation of Individual Identity: Colonialism and Oppression”. In the UKRAINIAN POLICYMAKER, volume 4, Kiev 2019, pp. 4- 12.
- Panos Eliopoulos, “The Political Dimension of Eros in Plato’s Philosophy”. Στο συλλογικό τόμο Phillip Mitsis- Heather Reid (επιμ.), THE POETRY IN PHILOSOPHY: Essays in Honor of Christos C. Evangeliou, Parnassus Press (Fonte di Aretusa), Sioux City- Iowa 2021, pp. 99-116
Undergraduate courses
Graduate courses
Office hours
Tuesday 11.00 -12.00
Thursday 11.00 -12.00
After appointment