Georgia Gouga is an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Ioannina. Since 2002 she has taught and collaborated as a scientific partner with the Universities of Crete, University of Thessaly, University of Central Greece, University of West Attica and the University of Patras. She is a member of the Greek, European and International Association of Sociology, as well as a member of editorial boards of Greek and International Journals. She has also been a member of scientific committees at national and international conferences.
Education and Diversity: Theory and Praxis
O.G.G. of Appointment
Philosophy Department School of Philosophy University Campus PO Box 1186 PC 45500, Ioannina, Greece
Curriculum vitae
She holds a B.A. in Philosophical and Social Studies (1990) and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Crete (1996). Since 1998, she has been teaching academic courses such as Education and Identity, Children’s Rights, Child Abuse and Neglect, Inequalities and Exclusions in Education, Social Exclusion in Greek Society, Sociology, Sociology of Education, Research Methodology and thesis writing, both in undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Research interests
- Classical and contemporary sociological theory,
- Sociology of education and educational practice
- Social theory on diversity in the classroom,
- Educational inequality,
- Citizenship
- The importance of new technologies,
- Parenting strategies,
- Educational exclusion,
- Identities
- Teacher education
- Risk and post-truth in education
Her research interests focus on issues related to Sociology of Education (phenomena of exclusion and inequality), Diversity and Immigration. More specifically, in her studies, she attempts to utilize the modern and classic sociological theory of education and the corresponding methodological tools and research techniques. The management of diversity from the classroom to the university auditorium – focusing on fields such as educational inequality, citizenship, the importance of new technologies, parenting strategies, educational exclusion, identities, teacher education – is the defining axis of her studies. Finally, her research concerns important topics such as risk, post-truth issues etc., as addressed in writings of important contemporary theorists such as U. Beck, Z. Bauman, A. Giddens or Gevirtz & Cribb, etc.
Her publications concern Education, in the light of the study of educational institutions (policies), educational actions and practices of managing diversity (micro-macro). Her published work consists of a book (co-authored with 2 other authors), 15 publications in reputable international and Greek peer-reviewed scientific journals, 5 publications in peer-reviewed collective volumes, 22 publications in international and Greek volumes of proceedings of scientific conferences with referees, 46 papers in Greek and international refereed conferences etc.
Undergraduate courses
Graduate courses
Office hours
Thursday 13:00-18:00
Friday 13:00-18:00