Doctoral Studies

Doctoral Studies
The Department of Philosophy offers the opportunity to pursue doctoral studies in the subjects of philosophy and pedagogy. Indeed, the Department of Philosophy at the University of Ioannina is one of the oldest departments of humanities in our country to offer doctoral studies. Several of its PhD graduates are employed in Secondary and Tertiary Education as well as in cultural and educational institutions at the local, national and international levels. The doctoral studies of the Department of Philosophy are structured in two distinct statutory frameworks:
- Doctoral Studies of the Department of Philosophy (Government Gazette 3497/24-8-2020 “Approval of the Regulations for Doctoral Studies of the Department of Philosophy of the school of Philosophy of the UoI”), which is a continuation of the doctoral studies of the former Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology,
- Doctoral Studies of the master’s program of studies “Greek Philosophy – Philosophy of Sciences” of the Department of Philosophy, the Pedagogical Department of Primary Education at the UoI, and the Department of Philosophical and Social Studies at the University of Crete (Government Gazette 4360/5-10-2020), which previously existed within the Department of Philosophy of the former Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology.