Golfo Maggini is Professor of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, University of Ioannina. She is also affiliated Professor (Professor “extra numerum”) at the Faculty of Education of the University of Warsaw and adjunct faculty and scientific coordinator at the Hellenic Open University. She has served as member of the central scientific committee of the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Ioannina (2019-2022). She has conducted research as research associate (allocataire de recherche) at the Université de Paris XII-Val de Marne (1994-1997), research fellow at the Department of Philosophy, State University of New York Stony Brook (1997-1998), postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Philosophy and Education of the University of Thessaloniki (1998-1999),adjunct lecturer at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Patras (1999-2003), teaching associate at the American College of Greece-Deree College (1998-2003).
Modern and contemporary philosophy
O.G.G. of Appointment
Philosοphy Department School of Philosοphy University Campus PO Box 1186 PC 45500, Ioannina, Greece
Curriculum vitae
BA in Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (1990); MA (Diplôme d’études approfondies) in the History of Philosophy, University of Paris IV-Sorbonne (1991); MA (Diplôme d’études approfondies) in the Tradition of Classical Thought, University of Paris XII-Val de Marne (1992); PhD (Doctorat 3ème cycle) in Philosophy, University of Paris XII-Val de Marne (1997).
Research interests
- Contemporary continental Philosophy (phenomenology, philosophical hermeneutics, paths between critical theory and phenomenology)
- Continental philosophy of technology/philosophy of the digital
- Philosophical theories of modernity
- Contemporary practical philosophy
- Contemporary receptions of ancient Greek philosophy
Books as author (selection):
– Habermas and the Neoaristotelians. The Ethics of Discourse in Jürgen Habermas and the Challenge of Neoaristotelianism, Patakis Publishers, Athens 2006, 416 pp.
– Towards a Hermeneutics of the Technological World: From Heidegger to Contemporary Technoscience, Patakis Publishers, Athens 2010, 438 pp,
– Bios, Kinēsis, Technē, Kairos, Polis: Phenomenological Approaches (Martin Heidegger, Hannah Arendt, Jan Patočka, Michel Henry), Patakis Publishers, Athens 2017, 430 pp.
Books as editor (selection):
–Philosophy of the Digital: A Reader, G. Maggini (ed.), University of Crete Press, Heraklion-Athens, summer 2023 (in press), 680 pp.
– Philosophy and Crisis: Responding to Challenges to Ways of Life in the Contemporary World, G. Maggini, V. Solomou-Papanikolaou, et al.(eds.), 2 vols, University of Ioannina-Department of Philosophy & Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (RVP)-Catholic University of America, series: “Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change”, IV. European Philosophical Studies, Washington D.C., Summer 2017, 947 pp. (
– States and Citizens: Community, Identity, Diversity, G. Maggini – E. Leontsini (eds.), Smili, Athens 2016, 520 pp.
– Martin Heidegger, Phenomenological Interpretations to Aristotle, translated by G. Iliopoulos, edited with an introduction and notes by G. Maggini, Patakis Publishers, Athens 2011, 340 pp.
– George Steiner, Heidegger, transl. by A. Karavanta, Patakis Publishers, Athens 2009, 253 pp.
Introductions/Prefaces (selection):
-“The Idea of an Alternative Technological Modernity in Andrew Feenberg”, Introduction to: Andrew Feenberg, Between Reason and Experience: Essays in Technology and Modernity, transl.: J. Perperidis, book series: Scientific reconfigurations: Technoscience, Digitality, transhumanism, Ropi Publishers, Thessaloniki 2022
-“Martin Heidegger’s Confrontation with Nietzsche and the Task of Thought”, Preface to: Martin Heidegger, The Will to Power as Art, transl. into modern Greek by G. Iliopoulos, edited by G. Xiropaidis, Plethron, Athens 2011, pp. 11-44.
-“Introduction by the Editor” to Martin Heidegger, Phenomenological Interpretations to Aristotle, translated by G. Iliopoulos, edited with an introduction and notes in appendix by G. Maggini, Patakis Publishers, Athens 2011, pp. 9-22.
-“Françoise Dastur: A Phenomenology of Finitude”, Introduction to: Françoise Dastur, Heidegger and the Question of Time, transl. by M. Pagalos, edited with an introduction by G. Maggini, Patakis Publishers, Athens 2007, pp. 13-36.
-“Preface” to: Jacques Derrida, Spurs. The Styles of Nietzsche, transl. by G. Faraklas, “Estia” Publishers, Athens 2002, pp. 9-21.
Book chapters (selection):
– «MacIntyre’s Nietzschean Anti-Modernism» in Virtue Ethics and Contemporary Aristotelianism: Modernity, Conflict and Politics, Α. Bielskis, E. Leontsini & K. Knight (eds), book series: Bloomsbury Studies in the Aristotelian Tradition, Bloomsbury Academic, London-New York-Oxford-New Delhi-Sydney 2020, pp. 162-174.
– «Au-delà de la parole: sur les implication politiques de la phénoménologie de l’affectivité chez le premier Heidegger», in Pouvoir, rhétorique et justice, sous la direction de Jean-Marc Joubert et François Ploton-Nicollet, Stamatios Tzitzis, Jean-Marc Joubert, M.-F. Ploton-Nicollet (eds.), Editions Classiques Garnier, collection: «Polen – Pouvoirs, Lettres, Normes », no 16, Paris 2019, pp. 337-356.
– “Digital Virtual Places: Utopias, Atopias, Heterotopias”, in: Place, Space, and Hermeneutics, Bruce B. Janz (ed.), Book series: Contributions to Hermeneutics, Springer, Dordrecht/New York 2017, pp. 465-478.
Papers (selection):
– “L’éternel retour nietzschéen et la question de la technique. De l’amor fati au nihilisme technique selon Heidegger”, Revue Philosophique de Louvain 108/1 (2010), pp. 91-112.
– “Bodily Presence, Absence, and their Ethical Challenges: Towards a Phenomenological Ethics of the Virtual”, Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 17/3 (Fall 2013), pp. 316-332.
– “Contemporary Greek Philosophy at the Crossroads: Neokantianism – Existentialism – Phenomenology”, Modern Greek Studies 16-17 (2013-2014), pp. 345-368.
– “The Wars of the Twentieth (and Twenty-First) Century and the Twentieth (and Twenty-First) Century as War: Jan Patočka on Sacrifice and the Crisis of Europe’s “Overcivilization””, COLLeGIUM. Studies across disciplines in the humanities and the social sciences, 14 (2013), Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies-special issue: “Dictatorship of Failure: The Discourse of Democratic Failure in the Current European Crisis”, José Filipe Silva & Alejandro Lorite Escorihuela (eds.), pp. 160-175.
– “On the Status of Technology in Heidegger’s Being and Time”, Studia Philosophiae Christianae 50/1 (2014), special issue: “Heidegger and Hermeneutics”, A. Wiercinski (ed.), pp. 79-110.
– “Europe’s Janus Head: Jan Patočka’s Phenomenological Elucidation of the Crisis of Modern European Civilization”, Epoché. A journal for the History of Philosophy, 19/1 (2014), pp. 103-125 (first published online).
-“On an Ethics for the Future: Freedom and Responsibility in Jürgen Habermas and Hans Jonas”, Greek Philosophical Review 34 (2016), pp. 75-93.
-“Hubert Dreyfus – Albert Borgmann: Post-Heideggerian Perspectives on Modern Technology”, Neusis. Biannual Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology 25 (2018), pp 49-70.
Undergraduate courses
Graduate courses
Office hours
Wednesday, 15.00-17.00
Friday, 15.00-17.00